East Africa’s magical wildlife and breath-taking landscapes
are at the heart of what we do here at Cheetah Safari’s, which is why we want
to take measures to ensure they are protected during safari excursions.

As many are aware, plastic is a harmful substance to land,
wildlife and us, so this is why we have banned the use of plastic bottles and created
our very own metallic water bottles, that can be re-used throughout your trip!

What effect does plastic have to Kenya’s land and wildlife?

Plastic holds toxic chemicals that damage the environment
and cause land, water, and air pollution.

As the material does not decompose, plastic products spoil
the beauty of the natural environment and create a potential hazard to
surrounding wildlife.

This is because animals often mistake plastic for food and once
consumed, it will not digest, leaving the animal to experience a slow death.

Our plastic ban is a step in the right direction to avoid
any plastic pollution during our safari adventures!

Cheetah Safari’s metallic water bottles

Banning the use of plastic bottles doesn’t mean you’ll be
going thirsty in the hot conditions, as we have come up with our very own
Cheetah Safari metallic bottles!

Not only do our bottles reduce the use of harmful plastic, but
it also provides a reusable product that keeps your water cold throughout your
trip, an essential during our peak season.

We have 2 bottle designs available, both featuring our very
own personalised, eye-catching logo.

During your safari excursion, our guides will have a water
dispenser on hand 24/7, so you don’t need to worry about running out!  

Contact Cheetah Safaris today!

To get started on your safari holiday plans, make sure you
check out the many destinations and adventures we have available! Visit our African safari destinations
and start your search today.

If you need a helping hand in discovering the safari right
for you, then get in touch with our friendly team today!

Give us a call on +254
(0)724 337 652
  / +254 (0)780
337 652
 or complete our online enquiry form and
we will get back to you!

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Cheetah Safaris

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