Happy Holidays – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From Us!!

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It’s another season to celebrate Christmas but in a more different way. 2020 has been a roller coaster and tough course to the world. If there could be a perfect word to use to describe 2020, would be ‘uncertainty’. But all in all, we made it to the end of the year and with great hopes to start 2021 on a high note.

At Cheetah Safaris, we would love to wish all our guests, readers, and visitors a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With lots of hope to see the New year and celebrating the small wins, we have had in 2020 since the start.

We wish you all a bright, successful, and fulfilling 2021 as it starts till the end. We will be looking forward to hosting you on safari adventures and holidays.

What Happened in 2020?

We have been busy here at Cheetah Safaris building, creating and designing amazing safari circuits and itineraries. Our team ensured that new adventures and holiday destinations are well articulated in our 2021 safari programs.

Our accommodation partnership has been grown, and as well build strong partnerships with related safari suppliers who will offer our guests endless safari experiences. We have been selecting the best choice of safari accommodation for our guests who book with us.

In 2019 Nov, our team was busy planning to increase its destination coverage, and in March 2020, we uploaded 3 destinations including Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. We are still in the process of curating amazing safari itineraries that will be memorable and a lifetime experience.

What to Expect in 2021 with Cheetah Safaris

We have high hopes that 2021 will bring great fortunes in terms of offering our guests an opportunity to have exclusive holidays after a bumpy and stressful 2020.

In our progressive service delivery, we will add more safari itineraries to Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana Featuring beautiful Southern Africa destinations such as the Okavango Delta, Lower Zambezi, Victoria Falls, Mana Pools.

We are looking towards offering a more detailed safari program to all our guests safaris visiting Africa. These include activities and engagements such as conservation and community project that will impact our guests’ safaris. You can read more about our sustainable safari projects and policies here.

Our Guides will be going for a trained course to equip them with more on-field knowledge and guest handling while on safari. This will ensure that all our guests’ needs are met and every detail is attended to the last bit.

There’s much more in store such as New Safari itineraries to the Southern Africa Region and More to East Africa. Browse these amazing safari ideas on our website to choose your best safari holiday coming 2021.

Need Help in Safari Holiday Building and Actualising it?

Our Safari Experts are available any time to help you design and curate your safari to meet your every bit of preferences. Fill in Our Contact Form with the details you Would want or Send us a Whatsapp text to reach us +254780337652.

Pack For a Purpose

Cheetah Safaris is a serious advocate of sustainable safari practices in Africa. As part of our efforts and initiative, we engage and support schools and children who need knowledge to better their lives. The best gift a child can be given is education, skills, and creativity. 

In this case, we request our guests booking with us, to bring an extra back of supplies. This can be in terms of books, sports materials, and any other items that would change the lives of these kids. 

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Cheetah Safaris

Cheetah Safaris is Private and Luxury Safari Company based in Kenya, offering unending safari experiences for more than 20+ years. We pride in having the best safari guides and safari experts who help in itinerary planning and designing.

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Happy Holidays – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From Us!!
Cheetah Safaris

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